Art inspired by literature= Literarture

The origin was the word

Art and words have one thing in common: they are a connecting element between people. They have an effect without understanding the language, without knowing the intention of the creator. Because they penetrate into the innermost part of the human being and find resonance where language is no longer needed: in the soul.


Acrylic and silver leaf on canvas

A part of uniqueness

The transmedial idea is continued, since not only is the imaging medium varied, but Literarture also creates the change from the analog to the digital world.

Literarture not only creates uniqueness of the physically perceptible, to each work belongs an NFT, which is absolutely unique due to the token assigned to it. 

The NFT* not only serves the purpose of uniqueness, rather it reveals which wording has been immortalized in the respective work.

*NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a type of digital asset that is unique and, unlike traditional currencies, cannot be exchanged one-for-one for anything else. It is stored in a blockchain that provides proof of ownership and authenticity.


Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas

The concept Literarture

Refers to a style of transmedia art in which literary works such as poetry and fiction are detached from their very own medium and transferred to a haptically and visually perceptible medium such as painting.

The basic idea behind this is the dissolution of boundaries, the unification beyond what can be perceived by the mind. The understanding and knowledge of the other in a self.


Acrylic on canvas

and united

The NFT can be a single syllable, a word, a sentence, a poem, or an entire book. It does not explain the work, it expresses the work, transfers it into virtual space and translates it into words as well as pixels, bytes and bits.

The language used there is also individual and boundless. For what is language but the form of each individual to express himself? It works through sound, tonality, facial expressions, resonating with the experiences of the other person sometimes in harmonic symphony, sometimes in somber cacophony. It is not about serving the expectations of the viewer or the creator, the goal is understanding.

The concept Literarture

Refers to a style of transmedia art in which literary works such as poetry and fiction are detached from their very own medium and transferred to a haptically and visually perceptible medium such as painting.

The basic idea behind this is the dissolution of boundaries, the unification beyond what can be perceived by the mind. The understanding and knowledge of the other in a self.


Acrylic on canvas

A part of uniqueness

The transmedial idea is continued, since not only is the imaging medium varied, but Literarture also creates the change from the analog to the digital world.

Literarture not only creates uniqueness of the physically perceptible, to each work belongs an NFT, which is absolutely unique due to the token assigned to it. 

The NFT* not only serves the purpose of uniqueness, rather it reveals which wording has been immortalized in the respective work.

*NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a type of digital asset that is unique and, unlike traditional currencies, cannot be exchanged one-for-one for anything else. It is stored in a blockchain that provides proof of ownership and authenticity.

and united

The NFT can be a single syllable, a word, a sentence, a poem, or an entire book. It does not explain the work, it expresses the work, transfers it into virtual space and translates it into words as well as pixels, bytes and bits.

The language used there is also individual and boundless. For what is language but the form of each individual to express himself? It works through sound, tonality, facial expressions, resonating with the experiences of the other person sometimes in harmonic symphony, sometimes in somber cacophony. It is not about serving the expectations of the viewer or the creator, the goal is understanding.


Acrylic and gold leaf on canvas


We are here to evolve, to grow, and to remain perpetually in a state of change.

A movement diametrically opposed to the socially imposed stasis. Each of us is born with the gift to create and make.

So if we are all artists, why is the world not one sea of colors and shapes?

With my literarture I would like to achieve exactly that and thus inspire others to express their universally given creative power.

"Painting is poetry seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting felt rather than seen."

Leonardo da Vinci

Künstlerin Zesá


We are here to evolve, grow, and remain in a constant state of change.

A movement diametrically opposed to the socially imposed standstill. Each of us is born with the gift to create and to create.

So if we are all artists, why is the world not one sea of colors and shapes?

With my liter
ure I would like to achieve exactly that and thus inspire others to express their universally given creative power.

"Painting is poetry seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting felt rather than seen."

Leonardo da Vinci

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